Sunday, February 12, 2012

Life Book Journal Class #3

Currently I'm taking a mixed media Journal book class and there are now over 1100+ student from all over the world participating in it. It is called Life Book 2012, and it offers 14 talented instructors from all around our planet, a new one every few weeks.
Here is the link:
This #3 Project was a hard one to interpret, I even put it aside.  I'm not always able to do these pages in order, especially if I get stumped as I did in this one.

The Assignment:
Identify two opposite & conflicting sides within yourself,
Then depict your two sides as characters
Draw them together in harmony.
Most the students used Greek or Roman mythology.
I took a fun quiz, which determined I'm most like Athena, Goddess of Love .
However, I choose to do mine using Thai mythological characters because I did grow up in Thailand and this is supposed to represent me.

My Two Conflicts:
I sometimes find myself in conflict with where to live. I'm an Aquarius who loves the water, tropical beaches & sand, but
I equally love the forest & mountains too.
I started with two traditional Thai characters, one represents land/forest whereas the other ocean/beaches. I transformed them, giving each my own unique spin. Something similar can be found on Thai temple walls carved into their century's old stone. My interpretation has changed each to be much more whimsey & modern.

First I drew this in pencil, then I scanned it into photoshop, and made a selection of my line art. Then I opened it into Corel Painter 12 as I'm trying to brush up on my computer art skills. Instead of painting with watercolors or acrylics, this time I painted with light. I'm super rusty in Painter and needed some work time in it.
Now I feel like taking a class to relearn Painter....Steep learning curve if you put it aside too long.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life Book Journal Class #5

This is Life Book Assignment Wk. #5
Artwork when cropped, often looks better 
See how these fun fibers sparkle? 
I painted this on my Birthday (yesterday Feb.1st)
 I had fun playing around with "Angelina Sparkle Fibers" for hair. 

This is how the original artwork really looks.
A portrait of me with my fantasy hairstyle. 
And Yes,
 I think it would be very cool to have pink & red dreads.
I'm probably on Facebook with my kitty,
 who often reads FB with me!